Leituras 13Agosto2017


Investigadores portugueses descobrem células que sinalizam doenças autoimunes

“Favorável ao Sócrates é todos os dias”

Salgado e Sócrates: duas faces da mesma moeda?

#SIRESP dois meses depois

Near Record Cold Grips Tokyo, Far East …And Typhoons Trending Downward Since 1951!

Quer uma aldeia só para si? Há 6 em Portugal para alugar

Zuckerberg for President 2020!

Russian Females Get a Chance of Their Lives to Become Military Pilots

“… many people must be ruled to thrive. In their selfishness and greed, they see free people as their oppressors. They wish to have a leader who will cut the taller plants so the sun will reach them. They think no plant should be allowed to grow taller than the shortest, and in that way give light to all. They would rather be provided a guiding light, regardless of the fuel, than light a candle themselves.”
― Terry Goodkind, Wizard’s First Rule

“Favorável ao Sócrates é todos os dias” – PÚBLICO
O Sol explica como Joaquim Oliveira estava, na prática, nas mãos de Armando Vara por via do empréstimo de cerca de 300 milhões de euros que tinha contraído junto do BCP para adquirir o grupo Controlinveste, de que fazem parte, além daquele diário, o Jornal de Notícias, a TSF, O Jogo e a SportTV. Daí ter assegurado ao antigo governante, a certa altura deste diálogo, qual era a posição do Diário de Notícias relativamente ao então primeiro-ministro: “Favorável ao Sócrates é todos os dias.”

Salgado e Sócrates: duas faces da mesma moeda?
Ricardo Salgado (RS) perpetrou em Portugal, com o beneplácito de Sócrates – mas não só – incontáveis moscambilhas. O seu grupo, o Grupo Espírito Santo (GES), esteve sempre sob suspeição da justiça. Mas só depois de Sócrates sair do governo, e Pinto Monteiro da Procuradoria da República, Salgado foi minimamente incomodado. RS esteve envolvido, a par do seu sócio Bataglia, no negócio corrupto de aquisição de submarinos alemães, foi figura central no escândalo fiscal Operação Furacão. No conturbado processo de privatização da EDP, assessorou os chineses na compra, num caso suspeito de tráfico de influências… Um sem-fim de casos pouco claros, ao longo de anos. Mas foi durante a governação de Sócrates que RS cometeu os seus maiores desmandos.

### Mainstream Medical Science Will Be Forced to Admit Royal Rife Was Right – YouTube

Exame Informática | Enorme barragem na China afeta a rotação da Terra
a criatividade dos aldrabões da nasa atingiu novos recordes!

Agora, os cientistas da NASA confirmam que, quando a barragem se enche, dá-se um fenómeno denominado de momento de inércia, que afeta a rotação da Terra. Segundo os investigadores, a barragem cheia atrasa a rotação da Terra, aumenta a duração do dia em 0,06 microssegundos e até consegue alterar a forma do planeta, tornando-o mais arredondado no meio e achatado nos pólos.

Paulo de Morais – Publicações
A percentagem de jovens NEM-NEM (neither in employment nor in education, que não trabalham nem estudam) aumentou consideravelmente em Portugal na última década.
“Portugal é um País em que os Velhos não têm presente e os Jovens não têm futuro” (Francisco Sá Carneiro). Ontem como hoje, 12 de Agosto, Dia Internacional da Juventude.

Who Is Your Style Inspiration? | 59 Sharp Dressed Men To Emulate – YouTube #style
Video Summary:
1:03 – #1 Justin Trudeau
1:13 – #2 Shah Rukh Khan
1:24 – #3 Idris Elba
1:31 – #4 Samuel L. Jackson
1:41 – #5 Benedict Cumberbatch
1:55 – #6 Ryan Gosling
2:16 – #7 Hu Bing
2:35 – #8 James Corden
2:48 – #9 Dave Patel
3:06 – #10 Harry Styles
3:14 – #11 Eddie Redmayne
3:25 – #12 Michael Fassbender
3:42 – #13 Waris Ahluwalia
4:13 – #14 George Clooney
4:34 – #15 John Cho
4:53 – #16 Colin Firth
5:13 – #17 Will Smith
5:37 – #18 Drake
5:53 – #19 Bruno Mars
6:13 – #20 Justin Timberlake
6:42 – #21 David Beckham
7:01 – #22 Cristiano Ronaldo
7:20 – #23 Russell Westbrook
7:44 – #24 Dwayne Wade
7:59 – #25 Odell Beckham Jr.
8:19 – #26 Pep Guardiola
8:39 – #27 Conor McGregor
9:00 – #28 Nick Wooster
9:34 – #29 Tom Ford
9:59 – #30 David Gandy
10:20 – #31 Joshua Kissi & Travis Gumbs
10:38 – #32 Dan Trepanier
11:00 – #33 Aaron Marino
11:34 – #34 Jose Zuniga
12:04 – #35 Raphael Schneider
12:34 – #36 Brock McGoff
12:59 – #37 Tanner Guzy
13:24 – #38 Brian Sacawa
13:43 – #39 Sabur M. Peele
14:00 – #40 George Hahn
14:20 – #41 Barron Cuadro
14:43 – #42 Simon Crompton
15:00 – #43 Hugo Jacomet
15:29 – #44 Blake Scott & George Laboda
15:55 – #45 Adam Gallagher
16:16 – #46 Travis White
16:42 – #47 Mariano Di Vaio
16:43 – #48 Will Taylor
16:45 – #49 Fabio Antinosio
16:47 – #50 Johannes Huebl
16:49 – #51 Jim Chapman
16:52 – #52 Kadu Dantas
16:54 – #53 Chris John Millington
16:56 – #54 Carry Grant
16:59 – #55 Steve McQueen
17:00 – #56 James Bond
17:07 – #57 Harvey Specter
17:10 – #58 Don Draper
17:13 – #59 Thomas Crown

#SIRESP dois meses depois – O Insurgente

Zuckerberg for President 2020! — Steemi

medo….muito medo! #mustread
Look at that. Do you see it? The pieces are sitting there on the table. All we have to do is fit them together.

But it’s as if a Medusa head has been cut up into a jigsaw puzzle; simply piecing it together would create a picture too ghastly for anyone to behold.

Investigadores portugueses descobrem células que sinalizam doenças autoimunes – ZAP
Investigadores do Instituto de Medicina Molecular (IMM) de Lisboa descobriram um novo tipo de células reguladoras do sangue humano, as células T reguladoras foliculares, que funcionam como indicadores de doenças autoimunes.

Firefox: Browser Skins, vim Shortcuts and Search Keywords! – YouTube

Debian – News – DebConf17 closes in Montreal and DebConf18 dates announced

#videos – http://ftp.acc.umu.se/pub/debian-meetings/2017/debconf17/

Today, Saturday 12 August 2017, the annual Debian Developers and Contributors Conference came to a close. With over 405 people attending from all over the world (see the DebConf17 group photo), and 169 events including 89 talks, 61 discussion sessions or BoFs, 6 workshops and 13 other activities, DebConf17 has been hailed as a success.

Highlights included DebCamp with 117 participants, the Open Day, where events of interest to a broader audience were offered, talks from invited speakers (Deb Nicholson, Matthew Garrett and Katheryn Sutter), the traditional Bits from the DPL, lightning talks and live demos and the announcement of next year’s DebConf (DebConf18 in Hsinchu, Taiwan).

Blackarch linux conky by omni23 on DeviantArt

Charlottesville: Violence in the Streets | Faith Goldy and Stefan Molyneux – YouTube

When people stop talking, inevitably, unfortunately and predictably violence escalates. Virginia Gov. Terry McAullife declared a state of emergency leading to riot police shutting down the “Unite the Right” rally in Charlottesville, Virginia. The violence escalated from there with many being pepper sprayed, hit with rocks, physically assaulted and most shockingly – an individual drove a vehicle into a crowd of counter-protesters, killing at least one person and leaving countless more injured.

Manjaro Linux Desktop Layout by ihavebenjamin on DeviantArt

My Desktop – August 2017 by hundone on DeviantArt

[bspwm] [arch] april 2016 by transienceband on DeviantArt

The ROAD to WAR with NORTH KOREA – YouTube

After President Donald Trump’s “fire and fury” comments, the possibility of a United States led conflict with North Korea has put a spotlight on the shocking history of relations with DPRK: Democratic People’s Republic of Korea.

10 truques inteligentes para lidar com o calor (sem ar condicionado) | SAPO Lifestyle

Não tem ar condicionado e já não suporta o calor quando quer dormir? Para ter um sono tranquilo, sabia que o seu quarto deve estar a uma temperatura entre os 18 e os 20 graus Celsius? Tome nota destes 10 truques reunidos pelo El País em parceria com a Associação Espanhola do Sono.

OpenSource.com Test-Drives Linux Distros From 1993 To 2003 – Slashdot

A unique trait of open source is that it’s never truly EOL (End of Life). The disc images mostly remain online, and their licenses don’t expire, so going back and installing an old version of Linux in a virtual machine and getting a precise picture of what progress Linux has made over the years is relatively simple… Whether you’re new to Linux, or whether you’re such an old hand that most of these screenshots have been more biographical than historical, it’s good to be able to look back at how one of the largest open source projects in the world has developed. More importantly, it’s exciting to think of where Linux is headed and how we can all be a part of that, starting now, and for years to come.

slackware 1.0 screenshot

The 2017 Hugo Awards – Slashdot

The Hugo Awards, the most prestigious awards in science fiction, had their 2017 ceremony today, at WorldCon 75 in Helsinki, Finland.
The winners are:

Best Novel: The Obelisk Gate by N.K. Jemisin
Best Novella: “Every Heart a Doorway” by Seanan McGuire
Best Novelette: “The Tomato Thief” by Ursula Vernon
Best Short Story: “Seasons of Glass and Iron”, by Amal El-Mohtar
Best Related Work: Words Are My Matter: Writings About Life and Books, 2000-2016 by Ursula K Le Guin
Best Graphic Story: Monstress, Volume 1: Awakening , written by Marjorie Liu, illustrated by Sana Takeda
Best Dramatic Presentation (Long Form): Arrival , screenplay by Eric Heisserer based on a short story by Ted Chiang, directed by Denis Villeneuve
Best Dramatic Presentation (Short Form): The Expanse: Leviathan Wakes , written by Mark Fergus and Hawk Ostby, directed by Terry McDonough
Best Series: The Vorkosigan Saga, by Lois McMaster Bujold (Baen)
John W Campbell Award for Best New Writer: Ada Palmer

This year’s slate of nominees, unlike the drama surrounding the 2016 and 2015 Hugos, was less impacted by the ballot-stuffing tactics of the “Rabid Puppies”, thanks to a change in the way nominees were voted for this year (including the fact no work could appear in more than one category) in an attempt to avoid tactical slate picks.

Worldcon 75, Messukeskus, Helsinki, Finland. 9 - 13 August 2017

Canonical Needs Your Help Transitioning Ubuntu Linux From Unity To GNOME – Slashdot

-but…. http://www.webupd8.org/2010/03/ubuntu-is-not-democratic.html

On August 24 and 25, the Ubuntu Desktop team will be holding a “Fit and Finish Sprint,” where they will aggressively test GNOME. Canonical is also asking the Ubuntu community to help with this process. In other words, you might be able to assist with making Artful Aardvark even better.

What makes this particularly cool, however, is that Canonical will be selecting some community members to visit its London office on August 24 between 4 pm and 9 pm. “Over the two days we’ll be scrutinizing the new GNOME Shell desktop experience, looking for anything jarring/glitchy or out of place,” says Alan Pope, Community Manager. “We’ll be working on the GTK, GDM and desktop theme alike, to fix inconsistencies, performance, behavioral or visual issues. We’ll also be looking at the default key bindings, panel color schemes and anything else we discover along the way.”

A few caveats: Canonical won’t pay anyone’s travel expenses to London, and “Ideally we’re looking for people who are experienced in identifying (and fixing) theme issues, CSS experts and GNOME Shell / GTK themers.”

3 HOURS of Relaxing Music | Ambient Chillout | Background Study Spa Massage Sleep – YouTube

Foto de Malachi Henderson.

Azores on Vimeo

How To Wear A Blazer | A Young Man’s Guide To The Blazer Jacket

Near Record Cold Grips Tokyo, Far East …And Typhoons Trending Downward Since 1951!


Not only Japan, Western Europe and USA are seeing cold weather, but New Zealand as well has been having unusually cold weather. According to the sott.net here, “New Zealand is currently experiencing its coldest winter since 2009” as the island country has been hit by heavy rainfall.

Typhoons trending downward over past 66 years

Kirye also brought up another interesting fact which once again contradicts all the climate alarmism hysteria. According to the Japanese Meteorological Association (JMA), the number of typhoons since 1951 has been trending DOWNWARD.

Quer uma aldeia só para si? Há 6 em Portugal para alugar | VortexMag

Russian Females Get a Chance of Their Lives to Become Military Pilots – Sputnik International

For the first time in its history, Russia’s aviation school in Krasnodar will enroll female students to train them as military pilots, Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu told journalists.

An Awesome Terminal Workflow: Zsh, Tmux, Vim. – YouTube

Published on May 16, 2017
A tour of my dotfiles.

Github: https://github.com/Parth/dotfiles

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